Can EVOO Help You Recover from Covid

The Role of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Expediting Recovery from Covid-19 and its Variants.

In the battle against Covid-19 and its evolving mutations, researchers and health professionals are exploring various avenues to enhance recovery and alleviate symptoms. One such avenue gaining attention is the potential role of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in supporting the recovery process. This article looks into the properties of EVOO and examines its potential benefits in expediting recovery from the symptoms of Covid-19 and its related mutations.

This topic is very personal to me. I have endured the symptoms of Covid-19 three times since it first arrived in the United States. The first time was just before it was announced as a potential pandemic. The second time was after I received the first vaccination. The third time was recently with the JN.1 variant.

The latest JN.1 variant is like a bad Flu with symptoms such as low energy, fever, chills, bad headache, severe sore throat, dry coughing and brain fog. No matter how bad I felt, for some reason I thought that extra virgin olive oil was more important than ever, and I doubled up on my daily intake. Instead of two tablespoons daily, I drank close to four.

The first four days of symptoms were the hardest. The olive oil had a sharp burning sensation on my sore throat, but that sensation became less as the days passed. I made sure that I drank plenty of water and slept as much as I could.

I’m not going to say that extra virgin olive oil helped me because I never went to the doctor and I kept a positive attitude, thinking it was nothing more than a bad case of the flu. By the tenth day, I felt normal again. I truly feel that my belief in the healing power of extra virgin olive oil helped me to recover faster than if I had not been drinking it daily.

There are rumors that ginger is the number one enemy of the Covid virus. I drank ginger tea with lemon and honey each time that I have endured a bout with this virus. I was not drinking olive oil daily during the first two infections and the symptoms were much more worrisome because it was difficult to catch my breath. Thank God that I survived. I didn’t seek medical help for my shortness of breath because I didn’t want to worry my loved ones.

This time, I had the opportunity to find out if olive oil could help in the healing process. I think that without extra virgin olive oil, I would still be bed ridden and possibly in the hospital receiving treatment. So, please read on. Extra virgin olive oil, ginger, lemon, honey and turmeric might just be the best home remedies to help you heal from the effects of Covid-19 and its variants.

Understanding Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is renowned for its rich composition of monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Its unique combination of fatty acids, including oleic acid, and bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, contribute to its robust health-promoting properties.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

EVOO is celebrated for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These attributes are particularly relevant in the context of Covid-19, as the disease is characterized by an inflammatory response and oxidative stress in the body. The polyphenols present in EVOO, such as hydroxytyrosol, have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects by modulating various inflammatory pathways. Additionally, the antioxidants in EVOO help to combat oxidative stress, potentially mitigating the damage caused by the virus.

Supporting Respiratory Health

Covid-19 primarily affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, and respiratory distress. EVOO’s anti-inflammatory properties may play a role in supporting respiratory health by reducing inflammation in the airways. Moreover, the monounsaturated fats in EVOO have been associated with improved lung function, which could be beneficial for individuals recovering from respiratory illnesses.

Immune System Modulation

A robust immune response is crucial for overcoming viral infections. EVOO has been studied for its immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can influence the activity of the immune system. The polyphenols in EVOO may enhance the immune response by promoting the activity of immune cells and modulating inflammatory signals. A balanced and effective immune response is vital for a swifter recovery from viral infections, including Covid-19.

Cardiometabolic Benefits

Covid-19 has been shown to have a more severe impact on individuals with underlying cardiovascular and metabolic conditions. EVOO has been associated with numerous cardiovascular benefits, including improved lipid profiles, blood pressure regulation, and endothelial function. By supporting cardiovascular health, EVOO may contribute to better outcomes for individuals with pre-existing cardiometabolic conditions who contract Covid-19.

Practical Recommendations

While the potential benefits of EVOO in Covid-19 recovery are promising, it is essential to approach its inclusion in one’s diet with a balanced perspective. EVOO should not be considered a standalone treatment for Covid-19, and it’s advised to follow established medical guidelines for managing the disease.

  1. Incorporate EVOO into a Balanced Diet:
    Include extra virgin olive oil as part of a healthy balanced diet. Use it in salad dressings, drizzle it over vegetables, or use it as a dipping oil for your favorite fresh bread.
  2. Choose High-Quality EVOO:
    Opt for high-quality, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil to ensure maximum retention of beneficial compounds. Look for reputable brands and check for certifications indicating authenticity.
  3. Moderation is Key:
    While EVOO offers health benefits, moderation is crucial. Excessive consumption of any fat source can contribute to caloric excess, which may have adverse effects on overall health.

Extra virgin olive oil presents a promising avenue for supporting recovery from the symptoms of Covid-19 and its variants. It’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties, along with potential benefits for respiratory and cardiovascular health, make it a valuable addition to a holistic approach to recovery.

However, it is essential to view EVOO as part of a comprehensive strategy that includes adherence to medical guidance, a well-balanced diet and other healthy lifestyle practices. Further research is warranted to determine the specific mechanisms through which EVOO can positively impact Covid-19 outcomes.

Please consult with a healthcare professional prior to making any changes to your diet.

Please leave comments, questions or suggestions below.

Tom – Olive Oil Lover

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